2020.08.07 11:15Nation

6月家計支出、1.2%減 緊急宣言解除、10万円給付で下げ幅縮小


2020.08.07 11:15Nation

Japan Household Spending Down 1.2 Pct in June

Japan's household spending in June fell 1.2 pct from a year earlier in price-adjusted real terms, down for the ninth consecutive month, as people refrained from going out amid the coronavirus epidemic, a government report showed Friday.
   Spending per household with two or more members came to 273,699 yen, according to the internal affairs ministry.
   The spending decline shrank from the previous month's 16.2 pct, following the full lifting of a state of emergency over the epidemic in late May and thanks to 100,000-yen government handouts to all residents.
   With the epidemic's impact persisting, however, it is necessary to closely watch the state of household spending, said an official of the ministry's statistics and research division.
   In June, expenditure on package tours and that on movie and other theater entrance fees both dived over 90 pct. Payments of airfares and railroad fares plunged 83.5 pct and 69.7 pct, respectively. Spending on alcoholic drinks at bars and restaurants dropped 63.6 pct.


