2020.08.07 07:13Nation

原爆劇演じ半世紀 「自分の事に感じて」―広島・舟入高演劇部


2020.08.07 07:13Nation

Hiroshima Students Passing Hibakusha Stories thru Dramas

A Hiroshima municipal high school club has been passing on stories of hibakusha atomic bomb survivors by presenting plays themed on atomic bombings every year for a half century.
   "We want people to feel what the atomic bombs and war were like as if they were their own experiences," said a member of the drama club at Hiroshima Municipal Funairi High School.
   Growing up in the atomic-bombed western Japan city of Hiroshima, club members convey stories of hibakusha and the horrors of the atomic bombs and the war.
   Most dramas staged by the club depicted how the city was devastated by a U.S. atomic bomb Aug. 6, 1945, in the closing days of World War II and how the lives and sufferings of the people were at that time.
   "The only image of the atomic bomb available to me was that of the mushroom cloud," said second-grade student Takumi Nakaso, 17, who heads the club.


