2020.07.21 10:30Nation

来年度予算、コロナ対応は別枠 「前年同額」で手続き簡略化―財務省


2020.07.21 10:30Nation

MOF to Allow Separate Fund Requests over Virus for FY 2021

The Japanese Ministry of Finance on Tuesday decided to allow government agencies to seek funds for urgent measures for the fight against the novel coronavirus separately from regular requests for the fiscal 2021 state budget.
   Under its guidelines for budget requests for the year starting next April, adopted on the day, the MOF set no ceiling on spending related to measures against the epidemic.
   Explaining the budget policy at a cabinet meeting, Minister of Finance Taro Aso said, "Tackling the virus remains an urgent task in order to protect businesses and jobs."
   For funds other than the virus-related financial resources, ministries and agencies will be asked to seek basically the same amounts as those under the initial budget for fiscal 2020.
   While the MOF normally presents around late July its budget request guidelines for the next fiscal year, it decided to substantially simplify related procedures for fiscal 2021 to reduce the burden on government employees amid the virus crisis.


