2020.07.20 19:18Nation

政府、イベント緩和見直しへ コロナ分科会、22日にも開催


2020.07.20 19:18Nation

Japan Govt to Reconsider Easing of Event Restrictions

The Japanese government will reconsider its plan to further ease its coronavirus-linked restrictions on the number of spectators at large-scale events, including professional sports matches and concerts, from Aug. 1.
   Specifically, the government will maintain for the time being the current cap on event attendees set at 5,000 people, in view of the recent spike in coronavirus cases. This will be decided at a meeting of a subgroup of a government expert panel as early as Wednesday, informed sources said.
   The subgroup, headed by Shigeru Omi, president of the Japan Community Health Care Organization, will also analyze the recent infection situation, the sources said.
   Speaking at a press conference Monday, economic revitalization minister Yasutoshi Nishimura said that removing the 5,000-attendee cap could trigger movements of up to 40,000 people depending on the size of venues.
   "People come together before and after (large events), and many things could happen at restrooms in event venues and when people eat and drink," Nishimura said, expressing concerns about a further spread of infections.


