2020.07.20 17:24Nation

中国調査船、10日連続活動 沖ノ鳥島周辺で―菅官房長官


2020.07.20 17:24Nation

China Survey Ship Remains Active near Japan's Southernmost Isle

A Chinese survey ship conducted unauthorized activity within Japan's exclusive economic zone near its southernmost island of Okinotorishima for 10 straight days through Saturday, Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said Monday.
   "We recognize Okinotorishima as an island under the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea, with the EEZ and other designations for the nearby waters," Suga said at a press conference.
   "We are explaining our country's position on the island to China," he stressed.
   China claims that Okinotorishima is not an island but just a group of rocks, making it unnecessary to obtain permission from Japan to conduct a survey in the area.


