2020.07.19 17:27Nation

コロナ対策、知事の権限強化を GoToは感染状況で柔軟に―全国知事会



 全国知事会は19日、新型コロナウイルス対策に関するテレビ会議を開き、休業要請に従わない事業者への罰則規定を法的に位置付けるなどして、感染症対策で知事の権限を強化するよう求める政府への提言をまとめた。旅行需要喚起策「Go To トラベル」キャンペーンについては、地域の感染状況に応じて対象範囲を柔軟に見直すよう訴えた。
 提言では、「Go To トラベル」は感染が広がっている地域を対象から外すなど、範囲を機動的に見直すよう要請。この他、▽PCR検査の拡大▽医療機関への財政支援▽水際対策の強化▽被災地応援職員のコロナ対策への支援▽在日米軍基地での感染拡大防止―などを盛り込んだ。

2020.07.19 17:27Nation

Japan Governors Seek Stronger Authority in Virus Fight

Japanese prefectural governors proposed Sunday that their authority be strengthened in the fight against the novel coronavirus, such as allowing them to impose penalty under law on businesses failing to abide by requests for suspending operations.
   The proposal and other overtures related to the virus fight, adopted at a videoconference of the National Governors' Association, will be submitted to the central government.
   The governors called for a review to be made flexibly on the regions covered by the Go To Travel tourism promotion campaign depending on the state of infection in respective regions.
   The association said that there is no legal framework for punishment and compensation related to business suspension requests over the epidemic. It sought the amendment of the special measures law on combating the coronavirus and the infectious disease prevention law so that related measures to be drawn up by prefectural governors will be effective enough.
   "I hope that the laws will be revised as early as possible," said Hideaki Omura, governor of Aichi Prefecture, central Japan.


