2020.06.12 18:15Nation

参院選「買収リスト」押収 河井前法相関係先から―夫妻捜査、最終段階・検察当局


2020.06.12 18:15Nation

Prosecutors Obtain "Bribe" List over LDP Eletion Scandal

Prosecutors have obtained an alleged "bribe" list over the campaign of then Liberal Democratic Party candidate Anri Kawai in last year's House of Councillors election, it was learned Friday.
   The list was seized at a location linked to her husband, former Justice Minister Katsuyuki Kawai, who is suspected of distributing money to local politicians in Hiroshima Prefecture, western Japan, informed sources said.
   Anri was elected for the first time to the upper chamber of the Diet, the country's parliament, in the July election. The husband, also of the ruling LDP, is a member of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber.
   The public prosecutors are investigating the two, both elected from the prefecture, for alleged election law violations, believing that money was distributed to ask for cooperation in rounding up votes for her.
   The prosecution is expected to seek criminal responsibility of the couple after the current Diet session ends on Wednesday.


