2020.06.12 12:10Nation

8月に検証取りまとめ 国や自治体のコロナ対策―全国知事会




2020.06.12 12:10Nation

Governors to Compile Review Results on Virus Measures in Aug.

A project team of Japan's National Governors Association is set to compile in August a report on the outcome of its review of the effects of countermeasures taken by the central and local governments against the novel coronavirus epidemic.
   The schedule was agreed at the team's first meeting, held over a videoconference system, on Friday.
   The team will analyze the occurrences of infection clusters and the responses taken by each prefecture. The association will seek to improve coronavirus prevention measures based on the team's findings.
   "There is a need to think of different approaches for different categories, from major cities to small prefectures," Shinji Hirai, governor of Tottori Prefecture, western Japan, and the head of the team, said at the videoconference. A constructive response is "important in preparing for a possible second wave of infections," he said.
   The team agreed to consider infection prevention measures for social welfare facilities for the elderly and a legal framework for requesting suspensions of businesses.


