2020.06.12 11:13Nation

参列者、昨年の2割に 戦没者追悼式、初の縮小―厚労省


2020.06.12 11:13Nation

Japan War Memorial Service to Be Scaled Down for First Time

The Japanese government-sponsored memorial service held in Tokyo on the Aug. 15 war-end anniversary every year will be scaled down this year due to the novel coronavirus outbreak, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry said Friday.
   The number of guests and other participants in this year's ceremony, which will mark the 75th anniversary of the country's surrender in World War II, will be limited to around 1,400, or about 20 pct of last year's total of some 6,200, according to the ministry.
   It will be the first time for the annual event to be scaled down.
   The attendants will be seated one meter apart from each other. The government will ask them to wear face masks, sanitize their hands and fingers and undergo body temperature checks at the entrance.
   The venue will be the Nippon Budokan hall in Tokyo's Chiyoda Ward, the same as in the past.


