2020.06.11 20:27Nation

面会時間、他社の3倍以上 経産省、推進協を重視か―不透明さ否めず・持続化給付金


2020.06.11 20:27Nation

Favoritism by Industry Ministry Suspected over Outsourcing

Japan's industry ministry gave what appears favorable treatment to the winner of work related to a key coronavirus relief program before the tender for the job, it was learned Thursday.
   Prior to the tender, the ministry held hearings with three entities including the winner, the Service Design Engineering Council.
   The ministry met with the Service Design Engineering Council for a total of three hours, far longer than the time spent with the other two.
   The ministry's rules call for providing the same information to all participants to a tender if it meets them prior to bidding processes.
   The ministry said it spent longer time with the Service Design Engineering Council as it has greater know-how. The ministry also claimed that it provided the same information to the three, denying any unfair treatment.


