2020.06.11 19:25Nation

東京・有明にミニチュアテーマパークが開業 コロナで1カ月半延期



 総面積は約8000平方メートル。ロンドン、上海など世界の主要都市を再現した「世界の街」や、人気アニメをテーマにした「エヴァンゲリオン 第3新東京市」など六つのエリアに分かれており、電車や飛行機が動いたり、昼と夜が切り替わったり仕掛けが満載だ。

2020.06.11 19:25Nation

Miniature Theme Park Opens in Tokyo

Small Worlds Tokyo, one of the world's largest indoor theme parks featuring miniature models, opened in Tokyo's Ariake waterfront district Thursday.
   The 8,000-square-meter facility was initially scheduled to open in late April. But the opening was postponed due to the novel coronavirus outbreak.
   The theme park will take visitors' temperatures before their entrance and register their contact details as part of its effort to prevent COVID-19 infections.
   It has six areas, including one that reproduces major cities around the world, such as London and Shanghai. The remaining five include those featuring the Japanese popular anime series Evangelion.
   "I was worried about the coronavirus, but the feeling that I want to come exceeded (the worry)," said a woman in her 20s who took a day off to visit the park. "I think it's alright if I make sure to wear a face mask and wash my hands."


