2020.06.09 18:24Nation

G7でメッセージ発信を 香港情勢めぐり菅官房長官


2020.06.09 18:24Nation

G-7 Should Issue Clear Message on Hong Kong: Suga

The Group of Seven major powers should issue a clear message about the situation in Hong Kong, Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said Tuesday.
   The G-7 "is an internationally established, extremely influential framework that shares basic values and beliefs," Suga told a news conference.
   Japan is trying to secure an agreement among the G-7 members to issue a joint statement expressing support for the principle of "one country, two systems," government sources said.
   But it is uncertain whether such an agreement is reached, the sources added.
   "Japan will play an active role in creating a new world order by cooperating with other countries that share universal values, including democracy, human rights and the rule of law, and presenting the principles that the international community should uphold in the era after the coronavirus pandemic," Suga said.


