2020.06.08 13:12World eye

豪各地で抗議デモ強行 米黒人死亡事件でアボリジニの人権問題に共鳴

【シドニーAFP=時事】オーストラリア各地の主要都市で6日、政府が新型コロナウイルス対策として外出自粛要請を出す中、「Black Lives Matter(黒人の命は大切)」運動に参加するため大勢の人々が路上へ繰り出した。(写真は豪ブリスベンで、米国で広がる抗議運動への連帯を表明し、豪当局に拘束されて死亡するアボリジニが多い事態を終わらせようと訴えるデモ隊)
 シドニーでの抗議デモはおおむね平和的に行われたが、「Black Lives Matter」運動に反対した1人が警察に連行された。
2020.06.08 13:12World eye

Defiant Australians protest racial injustice despite warnings

Tens of thousands of Australians defied government calls to stay at home Saturday by spilling onto the streets for Black Lives Matter protests in major towns and cities across the country.
Marchers in Sydney, Melbourne and elsewhere rejected arguments from law enforcement and conservative leaders that mass protests could fuel the spread of coronavirus.
A court on Friday declared the Sydney protest illegal on health grounds, although the ruling was overturned by an appeals court minutes before the march was due to start.
The fact that they have tried to push us all back and stop the protest, it makes people want to do it even more, said Jumikah Donovan, one of thousands who turned up thinking the ban was still in place.
The Sydney march was largely peaceful, although one All Lives Matter counter-protester was taken away by police.
Demonstrators brandished signs that read I can't breathe, a nod to the last words of African-American man George Floyd, whose death while being arrested has sparked civil rights protests around the world.
Another read: Same story, different soil.
The movement has resonated strongly with many in Australia -- a country also wrestling with the legacy of a racist past.
Organisers said they hoped to highlight the high rates of imprisonment among Aboriginal Australians and large number of deaths in custody of indigenous people -- more than 400 in the last three decades.
No prosecutions have been brought despite dozens of investigations, inquests and in some cases video evidence of abuse.
Many of the protesters wore face masks, brought hand sanitiser and tried to social distance as best they could.
There are things in the world that need to be addressed, said Fay Goli. If one person can stand, that's great, but if a majority can stand together there will be a stronger voice for change.
Australia has seen a sustained drop in the number of COVID-19 cases, but social distancing rules remain in force and mass gatherings are not permitted.
Police are prepared for anybody that wants to just flout the law, New South Wales Police Minister David Elliott told media before the rallies.
Protesters in Melbourne were warned they could face fines for attending a rally if social distancing was not observed, although police appeared not to be enforcing those rules.
The day before the protests Prime Minister Scott Morrison had urged people to stay home.
Let's find a better way and another way to express these sentiments rather than putting your own health at risk, Morrison said.
He admitted there was more to be done to address indigenous inequality, but rejected parallels with the United States.
Australia is not other places, so let's deal with this as Australians and not appropriate what's happening in other countries to our country at this time.


