2019.10.04 17:51Nation





2019.10.04 17:51Nation

Japan Panel on Regulations on IT Giants Convened

The Japanese government on Friday held the first meeting of a panel to discuss strengthening regulations against major information technology companies such as Google LLC and Amazon.com Inc. of the United States.
   The Headquarters for Digital Market Competition, chaired by Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga, will discuss measures to prevent the oligopoly of the IT market while conducting investigations on digital advertisements. The group plans to compile its findings by the end of the year and reflect them in related legislation.
   Noting that maintaining a competitive environment for the digital marketplace has become a global issue, Suga said that Japan "should cooperate with other countries and lead international discussions" on the subject. He instructed economic revitalization minister Yasutoshi Nishimura and other ministers to speed up work concerning the issue.
   The group will seek to address fears that large technology companies will concentrate information on internet users to themselves by using targeted advertisements, or advertisements tailored to viewers' individual interests based on information such as their search histories.
   The secretariat of the panel proposed that government organizations include digital advertisements among items they investigate in industries under their supervision to check whether fair competitive environments are maintained. Details of the measure will be discussed for swift implementation.


