2020.06.02 05:37Nation

宣言解除後も1日30件 東京のコロナ関連110番―「居酒屋が3密」など・警視庁




2020.06.02 05:37Nation

Tokyo Police Still Receive 30 Virus-Linked Emergency Calls Daily

Tokyo police have been receiving a daily average of around 30 emergency calls related to the new coronavirus even after the Japanese government's removal of its coronavirus state of emergency, informed sources said Tuesday.
   The figure is similar to that of the week prior to the May 25 lifting of the emergency, according to the sources at Tokyo's Metropolitan Police Department.
   Experts noted that the result may reflect the anxiety and stress of people who feel that the government lifted the emergency too early.
   According to metropolitan police officials, the number of calls to the emergency number 110 in Tokyo that included the words "state of emergency" or "voluntary restraint" between January and May 25 stood at 2,634.
   Of such reports that the police received on and after April 7, when the central government declared the emergency, many were on household noises or on the opening hours of shops.


