2020.05.29 16:50Nation

大学入試日程の見直し検討 休校長期化に配慮―萩生田文科相


2020.05.29 16:50Nation

Japan May Review Univ. Exam Dates Due to Virus Crisis

Japanese education minister Koichi Hagiuda said Friday the government has started considering reviews of dates and academic topics for next year's university entrance examinations, following prolonged school closures due to the COVID-19 epidemic.
   Hagiuda told a press conference after a cabinet meeting that he had asked the National Association of Upper Secondary School Principals on Thursday to conduct a survey on moving back the examination dates, narrowing down the topics covered in the tests and utilizing make-up exams.
   The minister said that he will announce in June guidelines for implementing entrance examinations based on the survey's results, after holding discussions with high school and university representatives.
   "Personally, I would like to give students more than enough time to prepare," Hagiuda said. "I hope to draw up the guidelines swiftly, taking into account the true opinions of those in classrooms."
   The minister also said that with many schools in the country set to reopen in June the government will not come to an immediate conclusion on a controversial proposal to move the start of the school year in Japan from April to September.


