2020.05.29 11:07Nation

安倍首相、帰国後は隔離? 来月のG7サミット―新型コロナ


2020.05.29 11:07Nation

Abe May Self-Isolate after Attending G-7 Summit

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe may be forced into self-isolation after attending a summit of the Group of Seven major industrial nations in the United States in June.
   U.S. President Donald Trump, the chairman of this year's G-7 gathering, is eager to host the meeting in person, and the U.S. government is looking to invite the G-7 leaders to the White House in late June for the meeting.
   Abe has shown a positive attitude toward the prospect of an in-person summit, saying in a press conference on Monday that he would like to participate if conditions allow.
   However, the United States is still suffering from the spread of the novel coronavirus, with its related death toll standing over 100,000, the highest in the world.
   The U.S. government currently imposes entry restrictions on foreign nationals to prevent infections, but is expected to give an exception to the G-7 leaders.


