2020.05.27 12:18Nation

宇都宮氏、正式に出馬表明 都知事選




2020.05.27 12:18Nation

Ex-Japan Bar Federation Head to Run for Tokyo Governor Again

Kenji Utsunomiya, former president of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, announced Wednesday that he will run as an independent candidate in the July 5 gubernatorial election in Tokyo.
   Utsunomiya lost in the Tokyo governorship polls in 2012 and 2014. In the 2016 election, he withdrew his bid after opposition parties fielded a unified candidate, who ended up being defeated by current Governor Yuriko Koike.
   At a press conference on Wednesday, Utsunomiya said his campaign will feature plans to improve medical services and provide aid to nonregular employees, as part of the fight against the coronavirus epidemic.
   "Due to fallout from the coronavirus, many people in the capital are losing their jobs and homes," he said.
   Utsunomiya criticized the incumbent governor's response to the epidemic for failing to reach socially and economically vulnerable people.


