2020.05.27 07:27Nation

日本のコロナ死者数、緩やかに上昇か ブラジル急増、米国に迫る―米大予測


2020.05.27 07:27Nation

Japan's COVID-19 Death Toll May Reach 1,221: U.S. Center

The number of deaths in Japan caused by the novel coronavirus could increase slowly and reach 1,221 by Aug. 4, a U.S. health research center has predicted.
   The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington said in estimates released Monday that Japan's "national-level hospital capacities in terms of total and ICU (intensive care unit) beds were not exceeded by COVID-19 patient demands."
   It also noted that Japan substantially scaled up the number of tests per population for the virus from April.
   The death toll from the coronavirus in Japan stood at 874 as of Tuesday.
   The center also raised the predicted number of coronavirus-related deaths in Brazil by early August to 125,833, nearing that of the United States.


