2020.05.26 10:03Nation

マスク・防護服、国内生産回帰を 供給網見直し提言―経産省審議会


2020.05.26 10:03Nation

Japan Seeks Stable Domestic Supply of Masks, Protective Wear

The Japanese trade ministry Tuesday released a proposal seeking the stable domestic supply of medical masks and protective wear, which saw widespread shortages amid the COVID-19 crisis.
   These products are "emergency goods," which should be steadily supplied in times of emergencies through expansion of domestic production and stockpiling, said the proposal released at a meeting of the Trade Committee of the Industrial Structure Council, which advises the trade minister.
   The ministry hopes that the industry world will review their supply chains in light of the COVID-19 pandemic to increase domestic production of such goods following the drastic change in the trade environment.
   In the proposal, the ministry made public its basic views on foreign economic policies in response to the coronavirus crisis for the first time.
   For goods such as automobiles and electronic parts, the proposal calls for diversifying procurement and boosting cooperation with friendly nations because reviving production in Japan would be too costly.


