2020.05.24 08:06Nation

国民投票法改正、今国会も困難 衆院憲法審、28日開催


2020.05.24 08:06Nation

Referendum Law Revision Unlikely during Current Diet Session

Japan's ruling bloc is facing difficulty enacting a law revision to make national referendums on constitutional amendments more convenient during the current parliamentary session ending June 17.
   In the Diet, the country's parliament, the House of Representatives Commission on the Constitution will hold free discussions on the bill to revise the national referendum law Thursday.
   The Liberal Democratic Party-led ruling camp wants an early voting, which is unlikely to happen during the ongoing session due to the refusal of opposition parties.
   But the ruling side is finding it difficult to take a strong-arm approach at a time when the opposition's cooperation is needed in the fight against the novel coronavirus, informed sources said.
   The bill was introduced mainly by the LDP and its coalition partner, Komeito, in June 2018. The measure has been carried over to a next Diet session for six times.


