2020.05.22 15:50Nation

ロシア元外交官を書類送検 機密漏えい教唆容疑―警視庁


2020.05.22 15:50Nation

Ex-Russian Diplomat Referred to Prosecutors in Data Leak Case

Japanese police sent papers on a former Russian diplomat to public prosecutors on Friday, in a data leak case involving major Japanese mobile carrier SoftBank Corp. .
   Anton Kalinin, 52, is suspected of violating the unfair competition prevention law by inciting a former SoftBank department chief to obtain classified data, including on mobile phone base stations, without authorization from a server computer at the company on Feb. 18 and March 26, 2019.
   The Tokyo metropolitan police's public security bureau believes that Kalinin was a covert agent of Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service, or SVR, informed sources said.
   Kalinin, then Russian deputy trade representative in Japan, left the Asian country on Feb. 10 this year, failing to comply with a questioning request from Tokyo police.
   The former SoftBank official, Yutaka Araki, 48, who has been indicted in the case, handed over the classified data to Kalinin a few days after each of the two days when he obtained them, and later received money from the former diplomat, the sources said.


