2020.05.22 15:23Nation

経済活動再開で指針 自粛緩和へ手順示す―西村担当相




2020.05.22 15:23Nation

Japan to Map Out Guidelines for Resuming Economic Activities

The Japanese government plans to release guidelines for resuming economic activities when it fully lifts the ongoing state of emergency over the COVID-19 epidemic, economic revitalization minister Yasutoshi Nishimura indicated Friday.
   Nishimura mentioned the plan at separate teleconferences with the heads of three major business groups, including Hiroaki Nakanishi, chairman of the Japan Business Federation, or Keidanren, and prefectural governors.
   The state of emergency was partially lifted for 39 of the country's 47 prefectures on May 14 and for three more on Thursday. The government is slated to decide whether to lift the emergency in the remaining five prefectures including Tokyo as early as Monday.
   The guidelines are expected to set out steps to revive the tourism industry, including the resumption of travel across prefectural borders and large-scale events, and to ease business suspension requests for nightclubs and other sectors where group infections have occurred.
   "We aim (for tourism activities) to increase in stages, first within each prefecture and then throughout the country," Nishimura said.


