2020.05.22 13:33Nation

「パチンコ、県越えても」6割 給付金使途に懸念も―依存症経験者調査


2020.05.22 13:33Nation

Many Pachinko Addicts Willing to Cross Prefectural Borders

Of former "pachinko" addicts, 60.5 pct said they would have visited other prefectures to play the gambling game if pachinko pinball parlors in their areas of residence were closed due to the new coronavirus outbreak, had they not overcome their addiction, according to a recent survey.
   The survey by the Tokyo-based Society Concerned about the Gambling Addiction also showed that many former gambling addicts believe they would have used up for gambling the cash benefits of 100,000 yen per head to be provided to all people by the Japanese government to cushion the economic impacts of the virus crisis.
   The survey was conducted online on May 6-7, collecting answers from 216 people who overcame gambling addiction and 292 people whose family members are gambling addicts.
   In the survey, 69.9 pct of former gambling addicts said that they would have relied on gambling to dispel anxiety caused by the pandemic if they were still addicted.
   "Being addicted means that people cannot exercise self-restraint even if they know it's not the right thing to do," said Noriko Tanaka, head of the association.


