2020.05.22 10:57Nation

安倍首相、森法相の続投指示 進退伺に対し―黒川検事長問題







2020.05.22 10:57Nation

Abe Instructs Justice Min. Mori to Stay On

Japanese Justice Minister Masako Mori said Friday that she has asked Prime Minister Shinzo Abe whether she should resign over a gambling scandal involving a senor prosecutor but decided to stay in the post as Abe instructed her to do so.
   Mori told a press conference that she asked Abe about her fate on Thursday night, after Hiromu Kurokawa tendered his resignation as superintending prosecutor of the Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office earlier in the day to take responsibility for playing mahjong for money with newspaper publisher employees earlier this month, during Japan's coronavirus state of emergency.
   Abe instructed Mori to stay in the post and continue working to restore the public trust in prosecutors, according to the justice minister.
   "I came to a conclusion that I should make efforts to rebuild the prosecutor system while implementing judicial administration with no delay," she said.
   The Abe cabinet approved on Friday the resignation of Kurokawa as the chief of the high prosecutors office.


