2020.05.15 16:49Nation

新型コロナ抗体検査、陽性は0.6% 都内500人に実施―東大


2020.05.15 16:49Nation

0.6 Pct Found Positive in Tokyo Coronavirus Antibody Tests

Antibody tests using specimens taken from 500 people in Tokyo have found that 0.6 pct, or three people, tested positive for the new coronavirus, a group led by University of Tokyo said Friday.
   The result indicates that an estimated 80,000 people in the Japanese capital were infected with the virus, the group said.
   The group, including Tatsuhiko Kodama, professor emeritus at the university, carried out the antibody tests with blood collected at medical institutions in Tokyo on May 1-2.
   Of the samples from the 500 people in their 10s to 90s, those collected from three men, in the 20s, 30s and 50s, showed positive results.
   "It's better to know the types of occupation that have high infection rates in order to carry out finely tuned countermeasures," Kodama said, underlining the importance of antibody tests.


