2020.05.14 22:00Nation

4月の入国者数1256人 前年の2000分の1以下―入管庁


2020.05.14 22:00Nation

Foreign Entrants to Japan Plunge to 1,256 in April

The number of foreign nationals who entered Japan in April stood at 1,256, a tiny fraction of the some 2.68 million a year before, the Immigration Services Agency said Thursday.
   The plunge reflects Japan's entry ban imposed in response to the coronavirus pandemic. In March, the number of new entrants dropped 94 pct to some 150,000.
   The entry ban has been in place since February and expanded to include the United States and the whole of China and South Korea on April 3.
   In April, the number of new entrants from the United States dropped to 296 from some 160,000 a year before, while that of those from China fell to 29 from some 600,000. The number of new entrants from South Korea declined to 24 from some 550,000.
   There were no entrants from Singapore, from which about 40,000 foreigners entered Japan a year before. There were no entrants from the Netherlands either.


