2020.05.12 04:33Nation

トルコに双日協力の大病院 新型コロナ治療対応


2020.05.12 04:33Nation

Hospital Built with Japanese Cooperation to Open in Istanbul

A huge hospital in Istanbul built with cooperation from Japanese trading house Sojitz Corp. and others will officially open on May 21, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said.
   Basaksehir City Hospital will be one of the most useful facilities in the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak in the Middle East country, according to a senior Turkish government official.
   In a speech Monday, Erdogan said he plans to hold a teleconference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for both leaders to witness the celebration of the opening.
   The hospital stands on a one-square-kilometer area. It has over 2,600 beds for patients, far exceeding some 1,400 beds at Fujita Health University Hospital in Toyoake, Aichi Prefecture, central Japan, the country's largest hospital in terms of bed capacity.
   The hospital in Istanbul is partially open from April, accepting some patients infected with the new coronavirus, according to local media reports.


