2020.05.11 22:16Nation

政府・与党、2次補正編成へ 「5~10兆円」案浮上―会期内成立目指す




2020.05.11 22:16Nation

Japan to Compile 2nd Extra Budget for COVID-19 Response

The Japanese government and ruling coalition plan to submit a second draft supplementary budget for fiscal 2020, featuring new economic measures related to the COVID-19 epidemic, during the ongoing session of the Diet, Japan's parliament, informed sources said Monday.
   Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is expected to instruct his government in the middle of this month to draw up the budget, aiming to have it enacted by the end of the Diet session on June 17, the sources said.
   "It is important to do this with a sense of speed," Abe said during a meeting of the Budget Committee in the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the Diet, on Monday. "If measures are needed, I want to respond to them during this Diet session."
   Abe suggested that he will make a final decision on whether to compile the second extra budget as early as Thursday, when parts of the government's state of emergency declaration will likely be lifted.
   The second supplementary budget bill is seen featuring aid for small businesses having trouble paying rent and students struggling financially, as well as raising the upper limit for subsidies to companies who give leave benefits to temporarily laid-off employees.


