2020.05.09 20:18Nation

13都道府県の緩み警戒 外出自粛、継続呼び掛け―政府


2020.05.09 20:18Nation

Shoppers Fill Streets in Less Infected Regions in Japan

Japan marked the first weekend on Saturday since the government extended its nationwide state of emergency over the novel coronavirus outbreak through May 31.
   People filled shopping streets in some regions where business suspension requests were scaled back due to relatively low numbers of infections. But tourist facilities remained vigilant as they welcomed the return of visitors while taking thorough measures to prevent infection.
   "There were a lot of bicycles, so it was difficult to find a parking space for mine," said a 21-year-old student from Vietnam, who visited a shopping district in the center of Sendai, the capital of Miyagi Prefecture, northeastern Japan.
   "We'll return home soon after shopping," said a company employee in his 40s, who came to the district with his wife and daughter. "I haven't been here for a month, and I'm so surprised to see numerous visitors here today," he said, expressing concern over a possible increase in infection cases.
   Oga Aquarium GAO in the city of Oga, Akita Prefecture, also northeastern Japan, which resumed operations on Thursday, is asking visitors to wear a face mask and disinfecting handrails more frequently than before. No cars with license plates from outside of the prefecture were seen at its parking lots on Saturday, and the popular polar bear area had few visitors.


