2020.05.08 20:27Nation

経団連「週休3日制検討を」 感染予防指針案が判明―新型コロナ


2020.05.08 20:27Nation

Keidanren to Suggest 4-Day Workweek to Reduce Virus Infection Risks

The Japan Business Federation, or Keidanren, plans to suggest that member companies introduce a four-day workweek as part of effort to reduce risks of novel coronavirus infection, it was learned Friday.
   A shift from the current five-day workweek system to the four-day system is an option, the biggest group of employers in the country said in its draft guidelines on how to protect workers from the virus.
   To ease the congestion on public transportation during commuting hours, the proposed guidelines also recommend companies promote remote working, staggered commuting and rotating work schedules.
   As measures to keep the workplace free of the virus, firms will be asked to have employees check their body temperatures before going to work and those with fever stay home for at least 48 hours even after they get better.
   Furthermore, the draft guidelines call for making antivirus measures equally available for all workers, given the fact that some companies allow only regular employees to work from home.


