2020.05.08 20:36Nation

アビガン、40カ国超に無償供与 政府、治療薬開発で主導権狙う


2020.05.08 20:36Nation

Japan Providing Avigan Drug to Over 40 Countries amid Pandemic

Japan has started to provide Avigan, a Japanese-developed antiflu drug that is expected to be effective against the COVID-19 infectious disease, for free to over 40 countries in the midst of the pandemic.
   Through the initiative, Japan aims to accumulate clinical trial data on the drug and take the lead in the global race to find a cure for the coronavirus disease.
   On Friday, Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi said that Estonia has been the first country to be given the drug, adding that four more nations including Luxemburg will be provided with it in coming days.
   As of Friday, Japan had agreed with 44 countries, also including Belgium and Iran, on the supply of Avigan. The number of recipient countries is seen reaching around 80.
   "Avigan is drawing great attention from around the world," Motegi told a press conference.


