人間力で培った人脈 米知日派、岡本行夫氏を追悼
Ex-U.S. Officials Remember Late Yukio Okamoto
Former senior U.S. officials paid tribute on Thursday to the late Yukio Okamoto, a former Japanese diplomat who contributed to strengthening the Japan-U.S. alliance before and after the end of the Cold War.
Michael Green, former senior director for Asia at the National Security Council, and former Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell offered their memories of Okamoto, who died of the novel coronavirus late last month, in a statement released by the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
In the statement, former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage was quoted as saying that Okamoto, who also served as special adviser to two Japanese prime ministers, was a "giant in Japan-U.S. relations."
"Yukio's legacy is obvious to anyone who knew him when he worked to forge a stronger alliance in the 1980s," Green and Campbell said.
"While Yukio stood out for his policy entrepreneurship, it was his humanity that drew people from so many different fields into life-long friendships with him," they noted.
