2020.05.07 16:04Nation

JR利用者95%減、過去最低 観光地人出も大幅落ち込み―自粛要請の大型連休


2020.05.07 16:04Nation

Shinkansen, Express Train Users Hit Record Low in Golden Week

The number of passengers on Shinkansen and other express trains during the recent Golden Week holidays in Japan plummeted to a record low amid the coronavirus crisis, traffic data showed Thursday.
   The six passenger service companies of the Japan Railways Group said that a total of 916,000 people used Shinkansen bullet trains and other express train services between April 24 and Wednesday, down 95 pct from a year earlier.
   The figure hit a record low for the holiday period since they started collecting the data in 1990, as authorities across the country requested citizens to stay at home to contain the spread of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.
   Passenger numbers dropped 97 pct for the Akita and Yamagata Shinkansen lines, 95 pct for the Tohoku and Sanyo Shinkansen lines and 94 pct for the Tokaido Shinkansen Line.
   The number of passengers on Narita Express trains linking Narita International Airport in Chiba Prefecture, east of Tokyo, and the metropolitan area plunged 99 pct due to fewer travelers amid tightened border controls.


