2020.05.05 20:34Nation

コロナで受難、外国人労働者 介護・農業への就職支援―入管庁


2020.05.05 20:34Nation

Pandemic Driving Foreign Workers in Japan into Corner

The spread of the novel coronavirus is overshadowing the employment of foreigners in Japan.
   More and more non-Japanese people are losing their jobs, with the pandemic having dealt a blow to economic activities in Japan.
   Meanwhile, labor shortages are becoming more acute in the elderly care and agriculture sectors as foreigners with certain skills who have acquired the new resident status introduced in Japan in April 2019 have been unable to come to the country due to entry restrictions the Japanese government has put into place in response to the epidemic.
   In 2019, a total of some 190,000 people came to Japan from abroad as technical trainees. A senior official of the Immigration Services Agency said, "Almost no new foreign workers are visiting Japan at present."
   An increasing number of foreign technical trainees, mainly at manufacturers, have been fired as the firms scaled back their operations amid the virus crisis, leaving them struggling to find new jobs.


