2020.05.07 00:51Nation

西村経済再生担当相、緊急事態宣言解除の数値基準を公表へ 大阪府に「強い違和感」


2020.05.07 00:51Nation

Govt to Shortly Announce Criteria on Lifting State of Emergency

The Japanese government will announce shortly numerical criteria on lifting its state of emergency declaration over the novel coronavirus pandemic, economic revitalization minister Yasutoshi Nishimura has said.
   "We are in talks with experts" on the matter, Nishimura said at a press conference on Wednesday, indicating that the numerical criteria will possibly include the number of newly confirmed infection cases, that of carriers of the virus for whom infection routes are unidentified and that of polymerase chain reaction tests conducted to detect possible infections with the virus that causes the COVID-19 respiratory disease.
   On Tuesday, the prefectural government of Osaka, western Japan, announced its own criteria for lifting its requests for businesses to temporarily shut and for people to refrain from going out.
   On this, Nishimura commented, "I understand that (Osaka Governor Hirofumi Yoshimura) said the prefectural government has come up with the criteria because the central government has failed to show conditions for lifting (the state of emergency declaration)." The minister also said that "I strongly feel there is something wrong" with Yoshimura's remarks.
   "It is inconsistent to claim that the central government hasn't shown conditions for removing the emergency declaration while calling on it to give greater autonomy to prefectural governments," Nishimura said.


