2020.05.05 15:53Nation

休業協力金、追加支給へ 小池知事が今夕発表―東京都


2020.05.05 15:53Nation

Tokyo to Provide More Aid to Businesses Joining Virus Fight

The Tokyo metropolitan government will provide additional subsidies to businesses that suspend operations or shorten business hours in line with its request in efforts to contain the spread of the new coronavirus, informed sources said Tuesday.
   The metropolitan government will take the move as it will keep in place its business suspension and cutback requests for amusement facilities and restaurants, after the central government decided Monday to extend the nationwide state of emergency over the coronavirus through May 31, the sources said.
   Tokyo Governor Yurio Koike will announce the policy at a press conference later on Tuesday.
   The metropolitan government will first give "cooperation money" of up to one million yen to businesses that have accepted its request to halt operations or shorten business hours until Wednesday, the initially planned end of the state of emergency.
   The Tokyo government will now work on details of its additional subsidies, planning to earmark necessary funds in a draft supplementary budget, the sources said.


