2020.04.29 11:47Nation

9月入学、選択肢として検討 特措法再改正、コロナ収束困難なら―安倍首相




2020.04.29 11:47Nation

Abe Ready to Consider September School Enrollment

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe suggested on Wednesday his readiness to consider a proposal to introduce a school year starting in September, in the wake of the novel coronavirus pandemic in the country.
   "I would like to study various options at a time when our country faces major changes" amid the virus crisis, he said at a meeting of the Budget Committee of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament, in response to Yuichiro Tamaki, head of the major opposition Democratic Party for the People.
   At the same time, Abe said, "Some people are cautious about the September enrollment system, arguing that it would have major impacts (on society), and I'm fully aware of such opinions."
   Under the current system, Japan's school year starts in April, but the epidemic is now forcing many schools in the nation to remain shut.
   At the committee meeting, education minister Koichi Hagiuda said that introducing the system to begin the school year in September is not easy as many relevant laws will be involved, while noting, "It could be one of major options if it is widely recognized among the public as an issue for the whole of society."


