2020.04.28 07:09Nation

自民に「コロナ国会」延長論浮上 長期戦に備え、追加補正想定


2020.04.28 07:09Nation

Calls for Diet Extension Growing within LDP to Fight Virus

Calls for extending the ongoing ordinary parliamentary session, scheduled to end on June 17, are growing within the ruling Liberal Democratic Party to help the nation fight a prolonged battle against the novel coronavirus epidemic.
   With the fiscal 2020 supplementary budget, which features a program to hand out 100,000 yen to every resident in the country, set to become law on Thursday, LDP officials are already looking to a possible second supplementary budget and new legislation so that necessary measures against the coronavirus can be taken.
   A third extra budget could be considered if the economy demands it.
   The LDP leadership is expected to start working on an extension of the session of the Diet, Japan's parliament, once the Golden Week holiday period from late April to early May is over.
   Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told a House of Representatives plenary session on Monday that the virus is seen spreading in areas outside metropolitan areas. "We need to be prepared for a prolonged battle," Abe said.


