2020.04.24 13:33Nation

3月の連休、緩み鮮明 全国の外出「自粛率」算出―地域差大きく・国立情報研など


2020.04.24 13:33Nation

Big Data Show Restraint Scale Back on Long Weekend in March

Big data provided by a mobile phone carrier backed the speculation that Japanese people scaled back their efforts to voluntarily refrain from going out to prevent the spread of the coronavirus on the three-day weekend in March, a study has shown.
   Crowds of people not much different from normal times were out in Tokyo and other areas during the March break, when cherry blossoms reached full bloom in some parts of the country, according to the study by the National Institute of Informatics (NII), the Canon Institute for Global Studies and others.
   Using data from 78 million mobile phones of subscribers to NTT Docomo Inc.'s services and the carrier's base stations across Japan, the research team, including NII Associate Prof. Takayuki Mizuno, made estimates of how people moved on a region-by-region basis, in a way not to identify personal information, by dividing the country by an area of 500 meters square.
   The team gauged the number of people who went out based on the day-night population differences and calculated the percentages of those who exercised voluntary restraint on going out through comparison with figures of normal times, or average numbers for Jan. 6-31 this year.
   By prefecture, the self-restraint ratio stood at 37.4 pct in Hokkaido on March 1, which was Sunday, right after Hokkaido independently declared a state of emergency. The ratio was the second highest in Tokyo on the same day, at 21.8 pct, and stood below 20 pct in most other prefectures.


