2020.04.24 06:54Nation

在宅生活、進む断捨離 粗大ごみ増加、フリマ出品も―専門家「人生見直しに」




2020.04.24 06:54Nation

Stay-Home Efforts Promoting Decluttering in Japan

Efforts to stay home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus have led to the promotion of decluttering and simplifying for some people in Japan, with the lifestyle change apparently offering such people an opportunity to review their lives.
   Reflecting the decluttering boom, requests for having oversized trash items picked up increased in Tokyo's Setagaya Ward after the Japanese government declared a state of emergency over the virus crisis on April 7. Residents of the ward now have to wait three weeks before such items are collected, much longer than seven to 10 days in normal times.
   A 22-year-old Setagaya resident who entered a company earlier this month initially thought her debut in the working world was spoiled by the firm's stay-home request. But her way of thinking changed after she spent the time at home putting books and stationery in order and getting rid of unnecessary items.
   "The coronavirus put a damper on my drive for work, but a tidied-up room has allowed me to stay motivated," the company employee said with a refreshed look on her face.
   A man in his 50s who was a high school teacher until last month regards the current situation where the coronavirus is spreading as a turning point for his values.


