2020.04.24 06:50Nation

40都道府県が休業要請 9割弱で協力金、水準ばらつき―緊急事態宣言


2020.04.24 06:50Nation

40 Japan Prefectures Seeking Biz Suspension over Virus

Forty of Japan's 47 prefectures have requested or plan to request local businesses to suspend operations to curb the new coronavirus outbreak, a Jiji Press survey found Thursday.
   Thirty-five of the 40 prefectures have decided to provide support, including financial aid to businesses that accept the requests. However, the amounts of such aid differ from prefecture to prefecture, depending on their financial strength.
   Tokyo and Kanagawa Prefecture, just south of the Japanese capital, put their respective business suspension requests into effect on April 11, ahead of any other prefectures and four days after the central government declared a state of emergency for Tokyo, Kanagawa and five other prefectures with spikes in cases of infection with the coronavirus--Saitama, Chiba, Osaka, Hyogo and Fukuoka. The five prefectures other than Tokyo and Kanagawa issued their requests days later.
   Many other prefectures followed suit, with the state of emergency expanded to cover the entire nation on April 16.
   A wide range of facilities, such as hostess bars, karaoke parlors, theaters, fitness centers and pachinko pinball parlors are subject to the temporary closure requests in many prefectures.


