2020.04.22 21:09Nation

月内にも抗体検査実施 数千人対象、保有率調査―新型コロナの感染実態把握・厚労省


2020.04.22 21:09Nation

Japan to Conduct Coronavirus Antibody Tests Soon

Japan's health ministry is preparing to conduct antibody tests later this month to investigate the extent of the spread of the novel coronavirus, it was learned Wednesday.
   The tests are expected to help estimate the total number of infected people and how much the virus has spread, as some 80 pct of carriers of the virus are thought to show only mild or even no symptoms, sources said.
   The ministry plans to randomly sample several thousand people for the tests, the sources said. Around 200 million yen is earmarked for the project under the government's draft supplementary budget for the fiscal year that started this month.
   Antibodies are proteins created to protect the body from invading viruses. It is possible to check whether someone has been infected with a specific virus in the past by testing their blood for antibodies.
   Meanwhile, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests are used to check whether someone is infected with a virus at the moment. Concerns have been raised that the full extent of the coronavirus virus spread has not been grasped as the number of PCR test cases is not catching up with the speed of the outbreak.


