2020.04.22 17:42Nation

愛知県、受け入れ医療機関に応援金 入院患者1人最大400万円―新型コロナ


2020.04.22 17:42Nation

Aichi Pref. to Aid Hospitals Accepting Coronavirus Patients

The Aichi prefectural government said Wednesday that it will give financial support to medical institutions in the central Japan prefecture that accept patients of the COVID-19 disease, caused by the novel coronavirus.
   One million yen will be paid per patient with mild to moderate symptoms. The amount will be increased by one million yen if the patient is severely sick and is treated with a ventilator or in an intensive care unit.
   The aid amount will be 4 million yen if a critically ill patient uses an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or ECMO, machine.
   The support will be applied for all coronavirus cases in the prefecture, including its first infection case.
   The Aichi government expects recipient medical institutions to use the money for allowances to staff workers and to cover their accommodation charges, and salaries for workers additionally recruited to treat patients.


