2020.04.22 15:16Nation

東京都、「休業協力金」5月支給開始 補正予算が成立―新型コロナ




2020.04.22 15:16Nation

Tokyo Assembly OKs Extra Budget with Aid for Virus-Hit Firms

The Tokyo assembly on Wednesday passed the metropolitan government's fiscal 2020 extra budget including 96 billion yen for aid to businesses that follow its requests to suspend operations or shorten operating hours amid the coronavirus epidemic.
   The metropolitan government began accepting applications for the aid the same day, aiming to start distributing the money in early May. The extra budget for the year that began this month, which was approved at a plenary meeting of the metropolitan assembly, totals 357.4 billion yen.
   Nightclubs, karaoke parlors and other facilities that have temporarily closed, and eateries that are shortening their operating hours in line with the requests, are eligible for the aid. Businesses that suspend operations for 21 days from Thursday last week through May 6 can receive a maximum of one million yen.
   Up to 130,000 businesses are expected to get the aid.
   "I expect we can contain the virus as quickly as possible, as each and every one of us cooperates during this difficult time and refrains from going out," Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike told reporters after the budget was passed.


