2020.04.22 11:36Nation

五輪組織委で初の感染 30代男性職員、自宅療養―新型コロナ


2020.04.22 11:36Nation

Tokyo Olympic Organizing C'ttee Has 1st Coronavirus Case

The Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic organizing committee said Wednesday that a committee official has been found infected with the novel coronavirus.
   The official in his 30s, currently staying home, is the first coronavirus case among those linked to the committee. He is not a senior official, according to the committee.
   The committee said the official in question did not feel well Friday, had a virus check Monday and confirmed a virus carrier the following day.
   The committee closed the floor where he worked for disinfection. His office is in the Harumi Triton Square commercial complex in Tokyo's Chuo Ward.
   The committee told employees who had contact with the infected official recently to stay at their homes from Wednesday.


