2020.04.21 22:02Nation

沖縄県、普天間に立ち入り調査 有毒剤漏れ、サンプル採取




2020.04.21 22:02Nation

Okinawa Conducts On-Site Probe over Spillage at U.S. Base

Local governments in Okinawa Prefecture have conducted an on-site investigation over a toxic material spillage at the U.S. Marine Corps' Futenma air base in Ginowan in the southernmost Japan prefecture.
   The probe, also involving central government officials, was conducted Tuesday based on the Japan-U.S. agreement on environmental stewardship supplementary to the bilateral status of forces pact, which governs the U.S. military presence in Japan.
   Participants collected water samples from a drainage in order to check the concentrations of perfluorooctanesulfonic acid, a toxic substance known as PFOS, that was contained in the 227,100 liters of fire-extinguishing foam spilled from a facility at the base April 10.
   Ten people participated in the probe, including a senior prefectural government official, Ginowan Mayor Masanori Matsugawa and officials of the defense, foreign and environment ministries.
   Soil samples were not collected despite the prefectural government's request.


