2020.04.21 19:49Nation

休業要請、相次ぎ決定 事業者へ協力金も―新型コロナ


2020.04.21 19:49Nation

More Japan Prefectures to Seek Biz Suspension to Contain Virus

More and more prefectures in Japan have decided to ask entertainment and other facilities to close temporarily to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus.
   The prefectural government of Akita, northeastern Japan, and Nagano Prefecture, central Japan, will call for business suspensions from Saturday and Thursday, respectively. The requests by the two prefectures will remain in place until May 6, the final day of the period covered by the central government's state of emergency declaration over the pandemic.
   Facilities subject to the requests by Akita and Nagano include hostess bars, karaoke parlors, game arcades, movie theaters and pachinko pinball parlors. Restaurants, including "izakaya" dining bars, will be asked to stop serving alcoholic drinks at 7 p.m. and close at 8 p.m.
   As a measure not based on law, the Nagano government will advise hotels mainly for tourists to suspend operations.
   The Akita government will provide "cooperation money" of up to 600,000 yen each to small companies and self-employed people shutting operations throughout the request period. The Nagano government will make similar payments of 300,000 yen in cooperation with municipalities in the prefecture.


