2020.04.21 18:36Nation

醸造アルコールを消毒用に 日本酒メーカーに転用認める―国税庁




2020.04.21 18:36Nation

Japan Tax Agency to Allow Use of Brewers' Alcohol as Disinfectant

Japan's National Tax Agency said Tuesday that it will temporarily allow the sale of sake brewers' alcohol as disinfectant liquid, which is running short amid the novel coronavirus outbreak.
   According to the agency, brewers use alcohol at a purity of around 90 pct in the sake-making process. They have not been allowed to ship such alcohol as it is.
   Brewers' resale of their alcohol as disinfectant liquid will be approved on an application basis, the agency said.
   The agency will also promote the use of hard spirits and liquors made by adding fruits and herbs to redistilled "shochu" spirits as disinfectants. To this end, it will promptly issue a limited license to many shochu distillers across the country.
   Those alternative disinfectants will be subject to liquor tax. If the alcohol level stands at 80 pct, the tax amount will be 800 yen per liter, accordng to the agency.


