2020.04.21 18:20Nation

東京五輪組織委、経費負担合意は「不適切」 IOCは当該部分削除


2020.04.21 18:20Nation

Tokyo C'ttee Challenges IOC over Extra Olympics Costs

The Tokyo Olympics organizing committee on Tuesday challenged the International Olympic Committee's view that Japan has agreed to shoulder most of additional costs stemming from the one-year postponement of the games to summer 2021.
   On Monday, the IOC said on its website that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe "agreed that Japan will continue to cover the costs it would have done under the terms of the existing agreement for 2020."
   Meanwhile, the Tokyo committee said in a statement that it is not appropriate for the IOC to cite the prime minister's name in this way that goes beyond what the two sides have agreed.
   The IOC deleted the part in question from the website on Tuesday at the request of the organizing committee.
   The organizing committee stressed that Abe and IOC President Thomas Bach did not take up how to split the extra costs related to the postponement of the Tokyo Games in their telephone talks on March 24, in which an agreement was reached on the one-year delay amid the novel coronavirus pandemic.


